Plight of Aanifeira Rescue Dog Brought to Life in New Novel by Barbara Zach-Miller

We are sure that everyone will remember the story of dear Lady May, the small elderly dog that was rescued from a pile of rubbish and restored back to life at Aanifeira and subsequently adopted by a wonderful family in Switzerland.   Aanifeira is very proud to announce that author Barbara Zach-Miller has just published her new novel  “Lady May: Memories of an Old Dog” where she tells the story of Lady May’s rescue and second chance at a new life in another country.


New novel reveals the tragedy and astounding potential of abused dogs

“Lady May: Memories of an Old Dog” by Barbara Zach-Miller introduces readers to Lady May, a homeless dog that suffered horrific abuse before finding a loving home

PLAGNE, Switzerland – “Lady May: Memories of an Old Dog” (ISBN 1470092131) by Barbara Zach-Miller, tells the story of a small, gentle dog who – at the point of death – is miraculously rescued and given a second chance at life.

Portugal, a stormy day in March: the hissing wind makes an unsuspecting driver stop by a rubbish dump where she finds a seemingly lifeless bundle of fur – an old dog, still breathing! At a nearby animal shelter, the dog – Lady May, as she is later named – is given emergency treatment, and Fate finally smiles on her. For the first time in her long life, she has a basket in a warm room, is given decent food and makes friends. Against all odds, there is even a family abroad that want to adopt her. But will she regain her health and her will to live?

“The spirit of the book strikes a balance between happiness and sadness, kindness and cruelty, hope and despair,” says Zach-Miller. “It is a fantastical, magical, yet real story in which readers enter into a canine world to experience all the hardships and small joys that typify the life of a homeless dog.” The book evokes tears of pity and laughter, as Lady May and her eccentric new dog companions tell the vivid tales of their lives and encounter strange and wonderful adventures.

Told in alternating voices of a narrator and Lady May, the book reveals the inner dialogue of the dog, sharing her heartbreaking and hopeful reactions to a world that had no place for her. Written to entertain and inspire an abiding sense of compassion for abused animals, the book is based on Zach-Miller’s own experiences as an animal advocate.

“Lady May: Memories of an Old Dog” is available for sale online at through this link Lady May.

About the Author:

Barbara Zach-Miller is a writer and professional translator. She enjoys 19th century literature, art and gardening, but her greatest passion is the protection of animals. She lives with her husband and their five dogs in a small village in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. This is her first book.


Barbara Zach-Miller

Phone:             +41 (0)32 358 15 01



About Aanifeira

Aanifeira – Associação dos Amigos dos Animais de Santa Maria da Feira is a non-profit/ no-kill organization with around 400 abandoned dogs and a small amount of cats in its care.
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2 Responses to Plight of Aanifeira Rescue Dog Brought to Life in New Novel by Barbara Zach-Miller

  1. Barbara Zach-Miller says:

    My fondest hope is that many people will read Lady May’s story and be inspired to adopt an old dog, giving it a chance to enjoy a dignified and happy life in a loving home environment. Aanifeira worked hard to save Lady May’s life when she had no hope left at all. Now, it is up to the rest of us to carry on the good work! Thank you very much.
    Barbara Zach-Miller

    • Aanifeira says:

      Thank Barbara, just with what you have done in writing this book will I am sure help to be instrumental in drawing more attention to this problem. We thank you!

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